Covid-19 pandemic: Precautionary measures taken at Iivari Mononen Group


Covid-19 pandemic: Precautionary measures taken at Iivari Mononen Group

As COVID-19 pandemic intensifies we now follow enhanced guidelines and instructions at our Group’s companies. These instructions are valid for the time being and apply to all our units. With these measures we protect our personnel, customers and business operations. At the same time, we want to do our share in limiting the spread of the epidemic.

We have forbidden meetings with customers and visits to our offices and units. We primarily use on-line systems for contacts. Our employees have been instructed in accordance with the guidelines of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and travelling abroad is forbidden. Domestic travel is limited to critical trips. We utilise teleworking opportunities whenever possible. Our production facilities concentrate resources on the critical phases of production to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply and deliveries.

We follow the situation at each unit and have appointed a responsible person for each company. We continue to update news about the situation on our company websites.

Ari Mononen, CEO
Iivari Mononen Group

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